Thursday, April 9, 2009

On Being Dirty

When LIFT (and I) went to Nigeria last semester we practically stayed in the Marriot of Jos.

Except for two nights.

Our second and third nights in Africa were spent away from our compound visiting orphanages. We were in awe of the generosity offered to us; the families that ran these small orphanages gave up their own bedrooms for us to stay in.

For two nights we were immersed in poverty, complete with no running water and sparse electricity run from a generator. We were mentally prepared to be dirty. When push came to shove, however, some of the ladies weren’t emotionally prepared to be dirty.

When the modern-day convenience of being-able-to-shower-when-you-start-to-feel-gross slipped away as we immersed ourselves into these two families, we started to feel out of place. Personally speaking, I found that I was constantly aware of how dirty I was. I didn’t necessarily mind that I was dirty (we were in Africa , after all), I minded my awareness of it. It was affecting my relationships and demeanor and I knew it.

At the time, I thought the only solution to this new form of selfishness was a hot shower. Now I see that by the power of the Holy Spirit, the solution was living inside me. Christ died on the cross for that selfish attitude so I would no longer have to be enslaved by it. ___________________________________________________

Before she left last week, I asked one of the girls what she was least looking forward to in Brazil. She responded with something I didn't expect. On top of the spiritual tension the group was expecting to face, her biggest anxiety was selfishness. She didn't want to focus on herself, especially in the area of cleanliness.

While I haven’t heard this from the group personally, I have a strong hunch that we can be praying specifically in this area. As we pray for the Brazilian people, the ministry of the LIFTers and the sanctification of all, let's also pray that the issue of being dirty wouldn't hold the group back from anything.

The Lord can use dirt to sanctify. Cool.


  1. I am enjoying you writing this blog immensely. God is definitely using your skill and passion.
    Thanks for keeping up with it!

  2. Thanks Yeo! I appreciate your kind words. (-:
