Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday Morning Update

We heard from the group last night and all is well down in Brazil.

Friday they went to the dump to share Jesus' love practically. The people they brought food to in the dump live there, collecting items to sell so they can have money to live. These people also share their dump-home with vultures who constantly soar around in search of food. Many of the students had not seen such dire poverty before this; it was a moving experience for all.

Sunday, they attended a service with amazing worship, all in Portuguese. Tim said the highlight was watching the women, dressed in long white dresses, dancing in worship- very sweet and totally directed at the Lord.

The students prayed over the American couple who is hoping to keep moving ahead with the orphanage in which the LIFTers have been sleeping. Presently the plans are "hung up in red tape" with the government. As our group prayed over these two, the Lord moved mightily and spoke to them with great words of encouragement. The missionaries were full of positive thanks to our group and to God for how their spirits had been lifted through this sweet time of prayer!

As of this morning, the group left the orphanage and traveled up river about two hours (on a boat!). The plan was for them to leave at 6am, so they should be at their destination as you read this, setting up base came and prepping for work this afternoon. We'll have more information on their new home for the next few days when we hear from them again.

Please continue to pray for the students! We can assume that this time in Brazil will affect them in some manner, but we want them to come home different, not "affected". God-glorifying, Christ-likened change can only come through the power of the Holy Spirit.

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